
Desarrollo de capacidades en materia de gestión de residuos y medio ambiente

Cooperación Sur-Sur y triangular
Desarrollo de capacidades y competencias tecnológicas
Desarrollo de capacidades en materia de gestión de residuos y medio ambiente


  • PUM has experts with robust field experience and practical knowledge, who can advise on how to improve waste collection, waste handling and waste recycling, particularly waste recycling for materials such as plastics, metal and electric apparatus. This helps to clean the environment but also generates new businesses.
  • A specific area of expertise is the treatment of biomass, which can be turned into compost for fertilization or used as fuel. Waste management can also play an important role to avoid environment pollution in case of industrial activities. In some cases, this leads to a situation of remediation and cleaning of contaminated soil, for which PUM has practical solutions.
  • PUM is also ready to help with - currently a hot topic - the waste collection and treatment of hospital waste, a specialization in the field of waste management. The ultimate goal is to establish a Circular Economy in which waste management and treatment plays an important role.
  • With respect to environmental conservation, experts at PUM can help with the execution of environmental impact assessment and provide advise for obtaining an environmental permit. Advise can lead to a “Green” business and a zero emissions-company.
  • Our experts can also provide advise in Eco-tourism aspects and forest management to improve re-forestation.
  • Finally, for agricultural companies we provide advise on how to switch from traditional to ecological/biological farming to preserve nature.
  • In most of the above-mentioned topics, we do also trainings and instruction either on location or online in the form of a seminar.



  • Small and medium enterprises
  • Hotels
  • Universities
  • Forestry businesses
  • Agriculture companies
  • Amall communities, among others.



  • Local advise by an expert covers a 2-week period.
  • Remote advice covers a period of 6 to 8 weeks.



  • On-site
  • Remote
  • Mixed



  • Advisory services on location by experts from the specific sector/field
  • Remote advice, one on one or through webinars
  • Exchange of knowledge and experience
  • (Vocational) Training through workshops, courses, seminars & webinars
  • Trade Promotion through Business Links in the Netherlands


  • Over the past 40 years, PUM has made a positive impact on more than 45.000 small and medium-sized companies in developing countries and emerging markets. Read our success stories to find out more; https://www.pum.nl/en
  • In 2020, my team realised 23 remote coaching sessions and in 2021 the team completed 26 remote coaching sessions. In 2021 one project was completed at a location in close contact with a customer. The projects that were executed are predominantly in the field of waste management and circular economy.


This tool is part of the UNIDO's  Indutrial Knowledge Bank (IKB). The IKB is a tripartite mechanism of South-South and triangular cooperation, established to promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise on industrial development in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The analogy to a bank is based on the fact that knowledge (e.g., technical expertise) can be seen as a currency that is exchanged among actors, such as donors and recipients.


In order to apply as a recipient entity to UNIDO's technical cooperation tripartite mechanism and benefit from this tool, please contact lac@unido.org .

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Slides on PUM advise services